Posts Tagged ‘wheel’
“Wheel of Existence”
Posted on Jan 11 2005 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: action, destininy, evolution, existence, karma, life, person, sanskrit, wheel
The “wheel of existence” or the “wheel of evolution” refers to the wheel of karma or destiny. Karma is a Sanskrit word that means “Action” it is a destiny consciously chosen in life by each person, created by the total life experiences of the all previous incarnations. Karma is the spiritual law of cause and effect – a law of consequence that plays itself out in psychic, moral & physical ways in the life of human beings. One of the fundamentals of karma is that you get back what you give out. Thus evil that you do in one lifetime will come back to haunt you in the next; likewise, the good that you do in one lifetime will come back to reward you in the next. In this manner, the individual human soul slowly evolves over the course of many lifetimes gradually learning through its mistakes and growing a little wiser, a little closer to the divine each time. In Buddhism, the “wheel of life”or “round of births” is known as Sasara. the mystic seeks to get off the wheel of incarnations soon as possible, speeding up the process of spiritual growth through various techniques of meditation and magick. Once freed from the wheel, the soul of the mystic can merge with the ultimate unity that is God. – IR – The Middle Pillar
The Hebrew tern for this concept is TIKKUN or redemption.
“Be free from the pairs of opposites”
Pillar of Severity Pillar of Balance Pillar of Mercy
Chiah & Neshamah – Qabalah
Anima & Animus – Jung
Ying & Yang – Chinese