Posts Tagged ‘Thai’
I Have a Hashish Flash
Posted on Apr 12 2005 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: African, black, Charis, Colombian, ganja, hybrid, Jamaican., Man-awe, marijuana, Mexican, Moroccan, Rocky, skunk, slate, solid, Thai, Weed
Weed, Rocky, ganja, marijuana, solid, slate, skunk, hybrid, Charis, black, Man-awe, Colombian, Mexican, African or Thai perhaps Moroccan or Jamaican.
Definitely beneficial to slow down, take in all feelings at a glance, a sorta sixth sense enhanced, as all the trials and experiences of life are focused in harmony, the unnecessary thoughts and illusions not allowed to access, filtered, not allowed to enter to pass. Entered into a state of connected awareness, senses energized, enthused, enhanced. A concentration of thought energy, creative energy, pure, realized, aware, in-contact-with, all one…
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