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Ying Yang

Posted on Dec 18 2008 under Diary of the ONE, Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: , , , , , , ,

Ying you dear, sweet, cute, cuddly being

The energy, your love permeates all you do

Limitless & boundless no end to your light

Your gaze penetrating

Your touch warm and slight

The only one to make me feel to continue, rise up and fight

The touch of your body makes me tingle through the night

How can I sleep with your embrace so tight

Every little look, expression on your face

Cuts right through me with spiritual grace

You make me aware

Make me want to check all that I am

Curb my habits to conform to your plan

Stand up, take stock, be all your man, your lot

I find I have no wants except to be close to you

Any plans and intentions put to one side

As my thoughts turn to your desires and needs

My only want to see you pleased

Take any worries or bad thoughts that you may have

Find the solutions, do all that you ask

Unconditional, no tie, give all my energy to you

And more, to see your smile, my happiness task

Girl I hope this feeling endures and lasts

Each day at a time, moment of now

Enjoying this amazing feeling your bring to me

Union in being a pleasure to be

All wrapped up in loving thee

Ying, Te Ammo, mi amor, do you see….

The Quest

One often finds spiritually orientated people engaged in difficult, dangerous and even mad situations because this is where the light is most needed, the choice to leave is always there, but they choose to stay, to be of benefit.





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    The following links (from the drop-down menu below) document the writings of Jamie over recent years. You will also find the some music, that was written by or with him or from the musicians and artists inspired Jamie.
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