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Visa Run

Posted on Dec 24 2004 under Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: , , , , , ,

So on a day trip we be today
Cross water & land out to the boarder post
Boat, bus, bus, boat
Boat, bus, bus, boat
There and back within the day
Need to stamp passport
Or arrested we may be
So Koh Pan Ngan to Ranong, Myanmar (Burma) we go
If we can get back in a day is yet to show
All went smooth until we caught the second bus
The driver pulled over, started making a fuss
Something not happy, not right with the aircon
After some phone calls another bus we put on
On & on as busses do
Got to Ranong to meet our prearranged guide
To show us the way, long tail to find
Out over the estuary we go, after stamping us out
To get stamped in Myanmar, people all about
Trying to sell us Viagra & cigarettes
Take any money we may freely give
Look poor, have a hardship to life
Didn’t stay long as we needed to get back
To stamp in Thailand before immigration shut
But made it we did for another 30 days
Beautiful Thailand never ceases to amaze
So we decided to pay extra, not take the bus
Took a pickup all the way, bypass the fuss
Arrived at the pier around nine pm
Sleeper boat already tied to the dock
We left a twelve after a couple of beers
Slept through the night until the sun appeared
Back on the island 8am Xmas Day
What a day trip we been on today.


Posted on Dec 17 2004 under Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: , , , , ,

Clean, clear, but all fogged up inside, bemused
That after of three weeks almost to the day
THC has not come out to play
Nor alcohol or any drug has been used
Mind alert to be bombarded from all around
No peace for the ‘aye’ to be foundcloth
So ‘aye’ just waiting for the time
When I’d end up smoking spliff, drinking whiskey & lime
Sitting with people I’d met a few times before
Sharing food and drink sitting around on the floor
Laughter and chatter bounding back and forth
For me; very little understood or said
Trying to keep aware of the body’s language
See where the vibe lies, am I being led
After 2 bottles of red label the call was made
One went of to collect a little Thai stick
Now me the one trying to give it a break
Show my will for my self-respect
So did I give in? Shit of cause I did
Had some blue skins, gave them a twirl
Knocked up a spliff to the amazement of the girls
We all got stoned, the vibe extended
I could feel deeper, closer in, so much more
Connecting far more than as before
Laughing, joking more whisky was drunk
An awareness of character of each in the room
Became deeper and more detailed, natural chemical zoom
Knowing much fuller what each was about
Sensing the finer points & where to watch out
As the acts of consciousness & motive are seen
More attention to full focus, using all that you got
Not letting the thought or feeling drift
Attention not drawn from the moment by a passing thought
That’s when you loose the connection, jump off the track
Anything can and will happen through focus relapse
So what do I say bout smoking the weed
Well it gives you clearer focus
Cuts out, edits, removes the dross
All the stuff of which you should not give a toss
Openly united with the one ness
Take time and tune, awareness will come & you ‘WILL” see





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