Posts Tagged ‘money’
Ecuador – part 15
Posted on Mar 03 2003 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: ecuador, give, help, money, smile, streets, touch, wealth
Back to the streets, it’s a shame that the ones lucky enough to prosper in life soon loose their feeling & compassion for others. Why do we loose touch with reality?
Is it because we worked so hard to get there??
“Why should I give away my hard earned cash?”
“I worked hard to get where I am today”
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Ecuador – ver 4 pt 1
I can’t do it, I am unable to happily pretend that everything is OK, True & Just; that our present path as a so called civilized race is one that leads us ‘ALL’ to peace & happiness. I take it that this ‘Peace & Happiness’ is indeed what we desire above all else……well I think not, not here in the West, the mighty hand of capitalism & consumerism has reached out & re-programmed millions if not billions of people.
All lost, mindlessly consuming each new product or the explanation of a situation, soaking up the implications of playing up to ego, vanity, material success, fame & money.
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Ecuador ver4 Pt2
I’m tied, tied of work, tied of putting up with the restraints & restrictions of living in a society that is organised, governed & exploited by those “privileged” enough to have attained to seats of money, fame or power.
Bigged up idolised & revered by the masses these so called “stars” or “celebrities” enter a world of fantasy where everything around them becomes false, set-up, cut, edited, affected & exaggerated to the extreme. Nothing is real, nothing has any soul, and most times there is no spirit to be found; the wants become material & the vision shallow.
Surrounded by yes people who themselves savagely guard their overblown pay-packets; circles, interests, wants & needs. All changes as you are accepted into the club, “the club above the rest”.
Ecuador -Part 3
Posted on Feb 15 2003 under Diary of the ONE | Tags: america, cigarette, drugs, ecuador, marijuana, money, profit, think, work
So I find myself on yet another plane journey, this time thankfully of my own choice not a flight out to work but one to relax. First I have 17 hours on one of the most trying airlines there is, Continental. Overfed air-conditioning, gross pre-packaged, pre cooked food attempts & over happy, over sized, non-helpful hostesses.
Finally after 17 hours flying we arrive in Quito the capital of Ecuador, South America.
First let me tell you of our change of planes in Houston, Texas.
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The Heavy Tune
Posted on Jan 01 2003 under Diary of the ONE, Lyrics, Poems & Feelings | Tags: change, money, work