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Posted on Oct 26 1999 under Lyrics, Poems & Feelings

Take a look at the governments of today
I ask you what you see?
Two opposite type of people
Drowning in negativity
Their wants lost in confusion
With no energy set in union
Only division gaps will show
No good creation can grow that you do know
We must look at the system of government
Sow different seeds
Grow new roots for new needs
Stop selling arms for war?
Dumping & polluting
No More!
Stop your propaganda all the lies
Stop being driven by money & size
It’s time we look after all life now
Or we all can watch the demise
Look & see the spoils
See how they grow
Look & see the spoils
See how they grow
Start loving ya brother & sister
No matter what the creed
Start giving attention no matter what the cost
No matter what their need

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