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Tower of Alchemy

Posted on Dec 13 2004 under Diary of the ONE

He is too Great to be called ‘GOD’ He is hidden, yet obvious everywhere. He is bodiless, yet embodied in everything.

There is no-thing which He is not. He has no name, because all names are His name.

He is unity of all things, so we must know Him by all names and call everything GOD – Hermes Trismegistos –

By resonance, spirit (Briah) interfaces with Yetzirah the realm of the psyche or soul. Which resides at the innermost, interior level of a human being.

At your deepest identity you are one with the transcendent. In most, these higher aspects of human un-foldment, subsist as latent potential, like a seed that has yet to come to growth.

The Cup of Cups, the grail appears in different forms in different sacred myths, this holy vessel holds the energy from the upper worlds of ‘Assiah’, the world of Form & Action.

In Celtic Lore, it is the bottomless cauldron, the well of transformation.

It is the Moon Bowl if the Atlantans

It is the Ark of the Covenant to the temple of Solomon

It was the chalice of wine brought by Melchizedek for Abraham

It was the cup used by Jesus at the last supper

According to tradition this cup was carved from the Emerald of Lucifer’s Diadem, which he lost when cast out of heaven for the sin of pride.

It was the four cups made one; presented to Buddha by the four gurdens.

It is the Tibetan Tse-bim, the sacred vessel holding the elixir of life.

It is the crystal skulls of Meso America

In the temple of the human body, it is the skull that holds the alchemical stone, the jewel of the yogi’s, when the stone has been successfully connected, manifest in the physical body, it causes the “ambrosia of bliss” (elixir or nectar) to fill and transmute the body. As higher states of consciousness are attained subtle changes occur in the bloodstream.

“Know ye not that ye are temples of the holy spirit & that the power of the Most High dwells within you” – Jesus

The human body is the temple, the heart the temples sanctuary (holy place). The Adytum (holy of holies) is the Pinal Grand, the rudimentary third eye. The stone is connected to the pinal gland by the Spirit Fire.

The universal orb of the world contains not so many great mysteries and excellences as a ‘little man’ “O man, know thyself, in thee is hidden the treasures of all treasures.

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